Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ed Kang and Kelly Kang’s Presence on the Web

Jul 31, 2009 1:02 PM
Ed Kang and Kelly Kang’s Presence on the Web
by makestraight

[Updated 8/6/09, 4pm]

I did another search on ‘Kelly Kang’ and found something really amusing.

Here’s her “resume” posted there. Note how many times her name is referenced as “Kelly Kang” rather than just Kelly, or a simple pronoun of “she”. I think this makes it pretty evident that they are trying really hard to make the search rankings.

Kelly Kang’s relationship with God goes deeper than weekly church services. As Pastor Ed’s wife at Gracepoint Fellowship Church, Kelly Kang complements her husband by helping to lead congregation members down the narrow road. Kelly Kang assists with daily ministry efforts, including fellowship preparations, devotional sharing, and prayer meetings. Moreover, Kelly Kang cares for the people of Gracepoint Fellowship Church and strives to be a mentor, friend, and family member to all who seek God’s grace. Kelly Kang began her own understanding of faith as a pastor’s daughter. Although Kelly Kang’s experiences in a ministry-filled home brought love and spiritual fulfillment, she and her family faced challenges over the years. As a result, Kelly Kang had no interest in marrying a pastor. Upon graduation from UC San Diego with her Bachelor’s degrees in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research and Electrical Engineering, Kelly Kang met Ed, a law student who would one day specialize in the field of real estate law. Kelly Kang eventually realized God’s plan for her when her husband received his call to full-time ministry as a pastor. Today, Kelly Kang is blessed to be a pastor’s wife and mother of three. Kelly Kang began her full-time work in ministry after serving for 10 years as a Bay Area software engineer. In addition to her hands-on duties at Gracepoint Fellowship Church, Kelly Kang shares devotionals on her personal blog. There, viewers can read Kelly Kang’s prayers, songs, and reflections on her faith in Jesus and life of living out His commands. Kelly Kang also relays announcements concerning events at Gracepoint Fellowship Church. Kelly Kang’s blog posts also include an occasional joke or two because she knows that a joyful heart is good medicine.



That’s all I can say. When I initially presumed that Gracepoint was trying to flood the web, I didn’t know that the extent to which they were doing it.

I just googled “Pastor Ed Kang”.

Guess what?

He’s everywhere! Even sites most of us would not recognize! with his own blog [with some "top" list]
[note how many variations of domain names that Gracepoint owns - do they really need something like when they have It's probably just strategic effort to own more presence on the web. You'll find similar results when googling "Kelly Kang"]

Anyhow, this begs the question – Did Pastor Ed Kang setup all these accounts himself? Probably not.

He probably had his loyal minion of technical, web-savvy people do it for him, with a nice blurb attached.

[I did have to smirk about the fact that several social media site's account is open under his name except notably and, since Ed spoke out against them.]

Well, I applaud you Pastor Ed Kang. Your plan is working.

You are successfully drowning out any negative, but true information about you, so that you never have to admit the truths of what you and your wife Kelly Kang are doing, and have done.

But God is just. In the end, His judgment awaits all of us, and we’ll all be held accountable for what we’ve done in secret and in public.


  1. I'm trying to read this with an unbiased view and I'm curious, are you butt hurt or something? I'm sorry to sound harsh of immature but it just seems you're pretty butt hurt about it. So what that Pastor Ed is on so many sites?
    Gracepoint is focused on college ministry and whats the best way to communicate to college students? You try to appeal to what they are into. Each of these sites all are a part of different ministry group. Imagine having everything on one main Gracepoint site. I don't know about you, but to me that's already really cluttered. Some of the actual Gracepoint sites could be based on its programming to distribute the power or ease of access for other members. Some of those sites could just be the students posting stuff to get a kick or something. Investigate every single lead or else it means nothing. What you have to me is just speculation.
    I came from a church that is having a horrible time building up their college ministry. Its a good church with a sound doctrine, but they're not following Gracepoint's model and look how well they're doing. They have an amazing high school ministry, but they just can't build it.

    Granted Kelly's thing sounds a bit creepy.

    How would you propose to build up a church? Where do you draw the line at what a church should be and how it should express itself?

    1. So efficiency and hierarchy should be valued over compassion and forgiveness?

      With its rigid structure, GP Church hurts more than it heals. If you look at its leadership structures, the older the age, the smaller their group is. From freshmen to senior, probably 1/4 remains. Not every one stays and those who leave do so in pain. The exit won't be pleasant, unless you never do: your life aspiration is to live in Alameda, find a job in the Bay area (or some other GP ordained college-city where they planned their own GP minions), and shun your non-GP friends and family for the rest of your life. That's fine too, it's simply not a lifestyle that most rational people will aspire.

  2. I agree with the first comment...reading this with an unbiased view made me laugh. Doesn't this seem a bit conspiracy-like? And the response that another anonymous provided doesn't even answer the question that the first person posted. He/she just tried to change the topic about how "GP...hurts". Please respond to only the question that the first person posted, i.e does Pastor Ed's name appearing on multiple sites (many church sites) and Kelly's full name appearing multiple times in one paragraph (it was a bit weird but seemed harmless to me...maybe she just needs to learn how to use more pronouns) mean that they are utterly horrible and evil-minded people bent on ruining Christian lives? I hope someone sane would be able to respond no.

    From both a Christian and non-Christian perspective, this blog entry is ludicrous and does not seem to have an iota of Christian motive if that is truly your intent. If you have another way of looking at this particular instance, please respond. If not and you just want to ramble on about how "GP...hurts", don't bother. By no means should you think I am angry in responding; I just want to hear a legitimate argument for why you would think this blog entry is valid, not how GP has hurt you.

  3. The intention would be to draw attention away from this and other blogs.


Please be respectful and nice.