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Monday, March 7, 2016

Evidence of abuse

I know someone who is a counselor/therapist at Cal and she mentioned to me that many of the students that she serves seek therapy because of the abuse/trauma they experienced while attending Gracepoint Fellowship Church in Berkeley. Seems like the legalistic culture of that church is still going strong. She did not share details due to client/therapist confidentiality.

Are you contemplating leaving Gracepoint or one of its affiliated churches? Perhaps the Antioch Baptist Church in Boston? A recent commenter shared that Berkland Boston has changed their name to Antioch Baptist Church. If you have left or are thinking about leaving, or are currently experiencing emotional abuse at a Gracepoint Ministry church, please read the posts and comments on this blog and be encouraged!

My understanding is that the dysfunction of Gracepoint can be attributed to the founding Pastor and his wife, Rebekah Kim. The most visited post on this blog is the letter from Ed Kang to Rebekah Kim.


  1. Is there any way I can reach you John? Recently left and in need of help.

  2. Hi John, I just wanted to thank you for having a blog that speaks about some of the things about GP. Having left recently having been there for quite some time (i.e. Was I staff), I have to say that years ago as a recent grad I couldn't believe what the blogs were saying; however having experienced leaving it is incredibly sad and unfortunate that GP is so set in their ways. In many ways it was traumatic and the most hurtful thing is that I've not only lost friends at GP and outside, but the emails received with "I don't know where you stand before God" is incredibly inappropriate. Anyways, I'm on the mend, and am glad to finally open up at my new church about what I've been struggling. So, hear I am rebuilding life & relating to God right with others... Long road ahead, but I finally feel like I can move on despite having left months ago (not quite my 1 yr mark yet).

    1. Hi, did you join a new church locally? I have someone close to me who is currently at GP, and if they manage to leave, I imagine they will be very vulnerable and in need of spiritual home. Thank you in advance. And thank you, John, for your blog.

  3. I'm so sorry that you had to be subject to those emails. Jesus himself said that he did not come to condemn but to save (John 3:17). I hope and pray for your continued healing and recovery. Much love to you.

  4. I have a family member in the church. I am want to explain to him to leave the church is too controlling because of the change in him. I want him to find another church, but he refused. I am very worry about him. Can you email me emily22618 @gmail.com. I want to know how you get out and what really going happened in the church. Thank you.

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  6. Thank you for having this blog. I attended Antioch but left after there were too many red flags for me, and I recently thought of it again. I can't say I relate completely to all the posts on the blog, and certainly I think fondly of friends/staff members, but the hierarchy and perfectionist qualities I saw there still concerned me. I am concerned that many of the people that stay are either new Christians or people who don't want to question things. I think, if they keep going like this, the church will *eventually* dissolve. People don't want to keep coming. Something needs to change.

    1. I don't know how Antioch is doing but Gracepoint churches are getting bigger and expanding into other campuses.

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