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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New (ish) blog

I just did a google search and found this other blog about Gracepoint.

Just one post from back in 2010 but the list is a good one.



  1. John,
    I've been reading your posts and agree with you. I need to help someone get away from Gracepoint Berkeley and expose the truth about GP. Can we work together?


    1. I'm sorry. Due to multiple hackings of these blogs, I cannot trust your intentions. If you want to meet in person, I am open to that. I live in the Bay Area.

  2. Hey hey hey. I read all your blogs cause I search for criticisms for gracepoint on google and the reason I did that is that my intuition told me there is something wrong in that church, Since I go to gracepoint, I feel less connection with God. I find it terrible so I am trying to get rid of GP now. However, the staff member in gracepoint kept calling me and text message me, It is annoying.

  3. just tell them up front that you would like them to stop calling you then they will stop to do so. Plus, they are really people who want you to grow closer to God. You can see that just by the way that they sacrifice their life for the work of God.
    At the end, no church is perfect, and GP is not for everyone.
    But one thing that I am sure is that they are a group of people who try to follow the bible and try to live it out.
    Good Luck

    1. If gracepoint's not for everyone, then who is it for??

  4. It looks like Twisted Gracepoint is back online.

  5. Hi, I feel like I understand where you are coming from. I've been at gracepoint for years and would not like to currently note whether / when I left or not. I also experienced the "rape victim" story you posted about before and was wondering how to cope. I didn't read all of your posts but I'm assuming that you are a Christian trying your best to thrive at another church. One thing I had a question about: as a christian, shouldn't we try to forgive and not dig up bitterness? There is definitely a level of sin, I'll call it pride or arrogance for now, in the leaders. However, aren't we all sinners and saints at the same time, all guilty of pride? Even though I wish people were less so, the fact will remain that we are sinners, but at least we are all trying to live out the great commission. Yes, gracepoint has its flaws. But there also are a lot of things that it does right. Consider the number of salvations and the way that people display zeal. Although it may not always come from pure motives, it seems pretty clear that God is working through gracepoint.

    Jesus said, "father, forgive them though they do not know what they do." he didn't need an apology or for things to change for him to want to bless the very ones who were killing and mocking him. As Christians, god tells us to forgive from the heart (Matthew 18). Instead of wasting your time and having "friendly fire" through keeping up this blog, I'm wondering why you don't quietly absorb the hurt and forgive, "why not rather be wronged?" and serve full heartedly at your church while allowing other earnest Christians try to harvest where they can without "shooting" at them?

    We are all sinners. We are all victims and perpetrators. God showed me through his word that I don't need "vindication" or even an apology. I need to forgive.. That's the only way to "cope". What do you think?


    1. I have forgiven them. I don't have any bitterness or resentment. I am making the truth known with the purpose of getting the truth out there. God also calls us to protect the innocent. That is the purpose of this blog.

  6. Anyone still around who wants to chat?

  7. Just got kicked out/left a GP church. Would it be fine if I went to another GP church to see what it's like? I'm hoping news doesn't travel fast or at all...

    1. Not sure what you are asking... why do you need anyone's permission to go to another GP church? Anyway, good luck with your search for a new church.

  8. I left from Gracepoint Riverside, and if anyone wants to share stories or talk about it, my email is sk1nnyzebra@yahoo.com. Notice how my email starts with sk1, which is a class they have called Survival Kit 1.

  9. Here's an interesting article: http://www.christian-faith.com/forjesus/church-politics

    "If we have been the victim of negative church politics there is a danger that we take offense and begin to despise and speak against leadership that God has ordained. David refused to attack Saul when he could have, saying 'he would not touch the Lord's anointed'. Some withdraw from organised churches altogether and end up in little groups with no evangelistic vision or corporate purpose. They exist as forums where everyone can air what is in their hearts - be it helpful or harmful - and nothing is achieved. It does no good to sit around and speak against those who have hurt you. In fact, it can bring God's severe displeasure and judgment on your life.

    Avoid becoming critical of leadership in general. It will only result in your own continued demotion in the Kingdom of God. You need to go to God for healing. Spend much time as David did learning to worship and praise the Lord. This will bring a needed river of healing to your soul. You are not ready to minister while you still have major unhealed wounds."

    God bless!

    1. Great article and comment/response to this blog

    2. You sound like a current Gracepoint attender. Truth must be told. Everyone's story is important. God is light and in God there is no darkness at all.

    3. This comment says "you are not ready to minister while you still have major unhealed wounds", but it's ironic how at gracepoint churches, they allow just about anyone to become staff/praxis. What i mean is that, they allow people who are bitter, resentful, legalistic and prideful to lead students! And honestly i would never go to them if im going through things in my walk with god, even though they're the "spiritual leaders" at this church.
      They allow these people to serve all for the sake of gracepoint's well being. They know who they are appointing as leaders, yet it doesnt matter to them. As long as those people are "qualified" by worldly standards and can organize and get things done for the church, they'll allow them to guide student on their walk with god and that's a major reason why they're actually pushing students away from god. It's all about do this and do that. Dont do this or that. Unless the church abandons its agenda of trying to be the best church out there, they wont ever become a church of god. They need to know that it's better to dismantle this structure and filter out lies, the legalists, and most importantly, make the gospel the doctrine of truth than to continue to run as an "efficient" church. They might not have as much staff anymore, nor as much programs, nor even as much money but what matters most is faith. Its evident that there are other things that this church regards as more important than the true gospel

  10. what's the significance of sk1 class being part of your email? why is it? and check your email sk1nnyzebra!


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