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Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's wrong with the Gracepoint Fellowship Church (Berkland Baptist Church) in Berkeley, California?

What's wrong with the Berkland Baptist Church in Berkeley, California?

Kelly Kang is what's wrong with BBC-Berkeley.

I read a blog awhile ago — can't find it now — but it talked about Kelly Kang, the pastor's wife of Berkland Baptist Church in Berkeley. I think one of the comments went something like this:

Kelly Kang will look at you, smile and walk away.
A few months later, you'll find out everything you did wrong in that 2 minute exchange.

This couldn't be more true. I went to the Berkeley church for many years. I was even a part of the "staff" at this church. I know the beast called Kelly Kang. Maybe you didn't smile enough at her one day; maybe you didn't ask Kelly Kang how her fibromyalgia was doing; maybe you weren't available to go pick up lunch for her and deliver it to the church building. All of this, of course, points to VERY SERIOUS spiritual problems. It's Kelly Kang's goal to have you constantly question your salvation if you are not fully meeting her every need. You'll find it pretty common to see a regular member of BBC Berkeley accept Christ 2-3 times.

If you don't agree with Kelly Kang, your life is a LIVING HELL.

The Berkeley branch of Berkland Baptist Church recently launched a new site (
www.berkland.org/berkeley). Visit the section on the pastor's family and read about Kelly Kang's DEEP CARING. Deep caring?

Kelly Kang was sick one day... and nobody called or visited her.
The next evening, small groups were convened one by one.
"Who is Kelly Kang to YOU?" we were asked.
Now, think about this with me — there is no right answer to this question, right?
If you answer, "She's my spiritual mother," you will be harshly rebuked for not calling or visiting.
If you answer, "She's a heartless, domineering slavemaster," (which is the actual truth)...
Needless to say, all the groups were rebuked that night.
Fear... guilt... blame — this is the name of BBC Berkeley's game.

A normal person would have perhaps thought about why nobody came to visit, why nobody called. A normal person would have probably pointed the finger at herself. Kelly Kang is NOT a normal person...


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