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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Great Article on Servant Leadership

Great Article on Servant Leadership

I came across this great article on Christian Servant Leadership. You should all read it.

Here are some good excerpts:

Most Christian leaders are aware of the principles, values, and methods that have been accepted in the bustling marketplace of diverse leadership practices and theories. We must not forget, however, that Scripture offers a leadership model that should be the linchpin for leadership within the body of Christ. This biblical brand of leadership is uniquely expressed through what is called the servant attitude of the leaderthe desire to enrich and enhance the lives of those being led through unselfish servanthood. This overarching model of biblical leadership is expressed through an authentic humility that serves others and leads them to become servants as well.

Leadership models that are oriented toward power and control continue to be problematic for the church.

Attitudes of the Servant Leader

Positions of leadership often confer upon servant leaders more power over others than warranted. The subtle temptations of power and position led first-century leaders to challenge emerging leaders to live lives of humility and service. Addressing his fellow pastors, the apostle Peter outlined the pristine attitudes that characterize servant leaders. Often ignoring the inherent power of a position, a biblically based leader focuses on demonstrating a genuine concern for people through tenderly serving them, modeling the spirit and attitudes of Christ. In essence, servant leaders are caring shepherds who lovingly protect and nurture those under their care. And if required, would bleed and die for the welfare of their flock (1 Peter 5:2–4).

Servant Leaders Empower Others

Unselfish servant leadership refuses to rest on the inherent power of a position and desires to empower and release others for ministry. The servant leader does not hold back gifted people in a spirit of insecurity. Born aloft by the unselfish spirit of Christ, the servant leader is not happy unless others are soaring. Fired by the vision of creating other servants, the servant leader is dedicated to equipping and liberating others to fulfill God’s purposes in their lives and find meaningful expressions of Christian ministry through servanthood.

Note that servant leadership is not about CONTROLLING others to do what you want them to do, even in gray areas.

In my opinion, it’s rather about serving and equipping, and ultimately empowering others to live their calling with God, whether or not it’s practically beneficial to your own immediate church. It’s teaching others to live as Jesus did, and teaching them how to live practically for God, while also teaching them how to listen to the Spirit, and live by the Spirit to glorify God.

Gracepoint’s leadership is centralized around increasing their own numbers, and placing a Gracepoint Christian template around others to fit their mold, with no regard to an individual’s personal calling to serve God. They say such things as, “You were saved here, why would you want to go anywhere else???”

I pray that they can change and abide by true servant leadership in their church, because it’s God’s church, not theirs. Jesus Christ is the Head.

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