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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ed Kang: Jekyll & Hide Pastor

Ed Kang: Jekyll & Hide Pastor


Why am I posting after such a long time away? Good question.

Another blog recently surfaced about Gracepoint Fellowship Church. I felt this blog --http://twistedgracepoint.wordpress.com/ -- more accurately and Biblically explained the dysfunctional & twisted methods/environment than my more stream-of-consciousness, ranting style did.

However, I felt it necessary to comment on Twisted Teaching's observation of the overpopulation of glowingly positive Ed Kang search results on Google (see http://twistedgracepoint.wordpress.com/2009/07/29/ed-kang-and-kelly-kangs-presence-on-the-web/). Though there's no way to prove what Ed Kang is doing, I remember first starting my blog and finding absolutely no results for "Ed Kang" or "Ed Kang Gracepoint" or anything about the man. I was either THE top search result or in the top 3. Now, Ed Kang, the Wonder Pastor, is everywhere. This is the man who pretty adamantly claims to be counter-culture & technology -- but now he can be found on (yes, believe it) LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, & PLAXO. Pastor Ed, aren't those sites used for sad, non face-to-face networking, much like the Facebook phenomemon that you find so pathetic (http://edkang.wordpress.com/2008/10/03/sense-of-place-gracepoint-berkeley/)? Ed Kang is a shrewd, shrewd man. Only his wife, Kelly, outdoes Ed's very cold and calculated gift of manipulation. What a team!

As I browsed through the different bios and profiles that were posted about Ed Kang, Kelly Kang and Gracepoint Fellowship Church, the picture that's painted is quite lovely:

"Warm, inviting, contemporary, honest, sincere -- EMPATHETIC(??!)"

For those of you who are searching for churches in the Bay Area, please know that you WILL get a warm reception; the band really DOES try to be hip; the greeters WILL smile at you; you WILL feel INSTANTLY liked, if not loved. But it's a ruse. It's a veneer of community that you will find leaves you emotionally, spiritually and even physically damaged.

College Season starts soon. Prime time for Gracepoint Fellowship Church on the Berkeley, Davis, UCSF & Stanford campuses. I pray that students & young professionals might be able to wade through the flood of fake Ed Kang/Kelly Kang profiles and be able to harvest truth.



  1. and you spelled hyde wrong idiot
    or were you trying to be clever

  2. John and 1vois are telling the truth about Gracepoint Church and the abusive / dominating / selfish / distorting ways of treating its members. It is a toxic cult-like place. They will retaliate when you leave the place. I would not even call it ministry. We should not be afraid to tell new students about it.

  3. I'm confused as to why this is even reposted. Maybe Ed Kang is doing some PR/reputation work online. What's wrong with that? Good for him. I'd do it too.

    The only thing this post says of note is "It's a veneer of community that you will find leaves you emotionally, spiritually and even physically damaged." But it's unsubstantiated. So really this post says nothing noteworthy.

    Isn't this blog the truth about gracepoint? How about some quality control instead of reposting anything negative that's out there?


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