any idea what makestraight's blog was shut down?

any idea *why* makestraight's blog was shut down?

1vois and I discussed our effort, and decided to call it quits in light of what happened yesterday.
We have ample reasons and some evidence to believe that Gracepoint Berkeley staff members were the ones responsible for illegally hacking and deleting 1vois' Toxic Faith Gracepoint blogger site. Obviously, I was going to be next.
If they are going to go through such illegal, immoral measures to deal with the truths about their spiritual abusive ways, then we surrender.
The top leaders at Gracepoint Berkeley win.
Oldernwiser, I you may want to follow suit, but it's up to you. I suspect they may have used someone on the inside at Google, and yours is a Google blog site.
I believe this will be the last of my presence on the web regarding anything about Gracepoint Berkeley.
It's now completely in God's hands, and God is a God of Truth.
Signing off.

Thanks for the update, Makestraight.

this is 1vois. i am publicly signing off, as makestraight says. i hope enough people were witness to what happened last week.
anybody can personally contact me at 1vois [at] anonymousspeech.com if they have issues and/or concerns about gracepoint church or berkland church.
getting away from gmail (a hard lesson).

They are such a huge group, have humongous amounts of propaganda and have their 'one and only truth' anyways... Why be SO SCARED of just a FEW blogs that gives them bad reputation? It just adds up to their pursuit of a well polished surface, a mask they loath so much in their sermons... Hypocrites.
It probably has been mentioned, but it just reminds me of Big Brother in Orwell's 1984... Flawless leader, impeccable hierarchy, even the language is 'perfected and simplified' so that everyone can avoid being 'hurting'.
SAD. I really hope some of these sites remains.... It's an enormous source of consolation for those who has survived the storm in 'GracePoint'.

I finally found this information after searching the web for hours. I am SO SAD that your guys (1vois and makestraight) have decided to discontinue your blogs... i hope you will reconsider.
- left a long time ago

i don't know who that poster is, but it's not me.
anybody can create an email or username using 1vois. i wouldn't be surprised if it was gracepoint. anyway, you can find me at just1vois@gmail.com.
if makestraight is reading this, then please confirm my identity.

"Annonymous June 7, 2010 12:00 PM" is not the original 1vois??
That's creepy. Identity theft, much? gees...

@discontent, I think it just shows how desperate the Gracepoint staff hackers are to try to gather the identities of the bloggers and their supporters.
I'd say a safe thing to do right now is not to try to email or contact anyone. But we can still pray.

WHAT the HELL dude. This is so maddening. I guess GP's strategy is to confuse us and use the anonymity to our advantage.
- left a long time ago
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