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Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Many Faces of Berkland Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, BBC, etc

Just like Ed and Kelly have been planting churches, Becky has continued to plant many churches all over the USA and the World. Her home base is Antioch Baptist Church but there are many many other churches that she oversees. College students, please do your due diligence and research the church you are considering joining to avoid becoming part of a high control group that uses spiritual abuse to control their members. Here are the churches that most likely have all the same issues as Gracepoint. I recommend avoiding, unless you plan to give them your whole life. If you are aware of others, please comment and I'll add. In no particular order:

Antioch Baptist Church in Boston

  • Berkland #2
  • First church plant of Berkland Baptist Church at Berkeley (now called Gracepoint)

Frontier Baptist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska

Koinonia Community Baptist Church in Long Beach, California

New Covenant Baptist Church in Seattle, Washington with college ministries at
  • University of Washington (Koinonia Fellowship)
Compass Fellowship Church in New York with college ministries at
  • NYU (Koinonia)
  • Columbia
Philadelphia Mission Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Worthy Life Baptist Church in Washington DC with college ministries at
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Georgetown
  • University of Maryland, UMD

Ministries by former Berkland churches

Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK, a college campus ministry) at the following colleges

  • Boston College
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Cal Baptist University
  • Cal State Long Beach
  • Drexel
  • Georgetown
  • Harvard
  • MIT
  • Penn
  • UCLA
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • University of Maryland
  • Wellesley

JOYland or Joyland (Children's ministry)

Pilot Light Ministry - a prayer ministry?

Outside of the US

South Korea (Seoul and Goesan?)
Bangkok, Thailand
Republic of Georgia
Covenant of Grace Church in Tokyo, Japan

Bridgeway Church of Silicon Valley in Palo Alto, CA has roots with Rebekah Kim and Berkland but seems to not be affiliated.


  1. what do you think about Blue Sky network of churches? https://leavingthenetwork.org/

  2. what is their theology? what do they believe? are they considered cult?

    1. They belong to the Southern Baptist Convention and have the corresponding fundamental beliefs but they are definitely a high control group, bordering a cult that practices Whole Life Discipleship and obedience to your leader above all else.

    2. Honestly, some of the things in Chapter 6 of Course 101 come VERY close to works salvation

    3. Gracepoint church isn't a cult. It is a different type of church that is focused on not just going to church, but reaching out a bringing people to God.

  3. None of these churches are affiliated with gracepoint at all

  4. I actually hate you. Gracepoint church is the best church ever, you suck! Eat dirt.


Please be respectful and nice.