Sunday, February 16, 2025

You don't have to have sex with your spouse if you don't want to

Dear Gracepoint/Acts 2 wives, this one is for you.

It's quite common in evangelicalism for there to be some slight pressure on the wives to "obey their husbands" including letting them have sex with you when you don't really want to. There is the subtle messages from the pulpit, ok, maybe not so subtle, that your husband is the head and that you are under his spiritual authority. There may be some urging from your leader to just give in and have sex with your husband even if he's been a dick to you and didn't care for you as Christ cares for the church. He's been out every day this week, leaving you to care for the house and the kids and carry the entire mental load. Of course ministry comes first so you should be grateful that you have such a God honoring husband who cares about doing ministry and devotes so much of his time to the church.

But he hasn't said one kind thing to you. He doesn't even acknowledge you when he comes and goes. And since the church monitors his online activities and doesn't want him to masturbate, he comes to you to fill his sexual needs.

You are not an object.

You are a whole person.

You do not have to have sex with him if you don't want to.

You certainly do not need to have sex with him because your leader told you to.

You do not need to just lay there for a few minutes to create marital harmony. 

This is NOT what Christ calls you to do. Don't let your leader tell you otherwise.


Why do I write such a crass post? Because I actually know that this happens. Maybe not in all marriages, or even most marriages, but I KNOW this happens.

Marital rape is real.

You are not a receptacle.

Tell him to take care of himself and confess his sins to his leader.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Thank you current member who reported my blog

Someone flagged my blog and it got blocked for a little bit. They said my blog violated guidelines around harassment. Clearly, my blog does nothing of that sort. If anything, the person who reported my blog was harassing me, as evidenced by the recent comments this person submitted.

Anyway, thank you to the person who reported my blog because now I am going to be EVEN MORE proactive about getting the word out about the cult you're at.

Thanks for lighting a fire under my ass.

Friday, July 21, 2023

All Team Retreat

I learned on the subreddit that the Gracepoint All Team Retreat happened recently. I bet it was a lot of fun and good times, mostly. Get ready for the post event rebuking if you fucked up.

I tried to imagine myself attending this mandatory retreat, separated from my spouse (because it's held by gender) and using my PTO to fly to the Bay Area. I imagined myself sitting for 8 hours a day, listening to Ed Kang or a white dude telling me how I need to give more, do more, be more for God.

I bet there was so much prep that went into this event and lots of money spent, for sure.

The prep for Christian Festival during the Berkland times was intense and I bet ATR is even more intense.

I am SO SO SO glad that I left this church and that I don't have to go to events like this or help prep for one. Buy endless amount of food, cut it, cook it, serve it, clean up after it. Practice the skit, practice the songs, make slideshows. It's exhausting to just think about.

After several years in Berkland, that nagging thought of "Am I really doing this for God?" was the one that ultimately led me to leave. I realized that I wasn't... and I couldn't fake it anymore. My leaders were happy to have me leave. No one even tried to stop me. I was a thorn on their side by then, since I wasn't giving my time and money to the church without question like they wanted me to. I stopped pretending that I was repentant about dumb stuff that they wanted me to be repentant about. They didn't know what to do with me. (This was before the age of Soul Care.)

What confirmed that my decision was the right one was realizing that what I had gone through was spiritual abuse and emotional manipulation. This church had somehow ended up controlling all aspects of my life (time, career, friends, family, school, work, dating, money, etc.) and making me feel guilt and shame every time I went against their wishes. I had bought into the lie that church=god=family.

To anyone who is coming off of the All Team Retreat high and wondering, "Was that really all for God?" I want to say, maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. Maybe there was some genuine intention that this was the best way to use the church members' time and energy. But maybe there are some shadows lurking around too. Maybe Ed and Kelly Kang are perpetuating the Christian industrial complex or more accurately, the GP industrial complex. Maybe there are some hidden agendas to mold you into a soldier or factory worker for GP, not for God. Maybe they need more money or people to fund and man their next batch of church plants. Maybe ontological expansiveness has somehow seeped into GP's application of the Great Commission.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

High Control Groups like Gracepoint and Berkland

I've been thinking a lot about high control groups like Gracepoint, Berkland, Antioch Baptist Church, and many other evangelical churches. What makes a church a highly controlling one like Gracepoint and what makes members stay in such a controlling environment? These are complex questions, but I think it's worth thinking about because everyone can be susceptible to high control groups. 

If you have left a high control group, please don't blame yourself or wallow in self-pity. Many smart, capable, and successful people have been conned into high control groups. Don't give them the power to ruin the rest of your life either. You can move on and build the life you want, the one God wants for you.

If you are IN a high control group, I urge you to ask yourself if staying in the group is really what you want and worth what it is costing you. Namely, your agency and freedom.

Ed Kang and Gracepoint posted in their response to the Christianity Today article that they condemn abuse of any kind. He denies that their church is spiritually abusive. Any egregious incidents are one offs and not a direct result of the culture Gracepoint creates. I maintain that Gracepoint and all affiliated ministries and churches, including its mother church Berkland, are spiritually abusive because of the high control nature of these organizations.

Ed and Kelly Kang joined, created, and maintain a high control group because they think that it is God's will and that it is biblical. They believe in the Koinonia Cross (see Rebekah Kim's PhD dissertation) and that church=god=family. They believe that all Christians should be bivocational and that church activities should be prioritized over basically everything else including biological family, career, and school. 

According to them, if you really love God, you should cut your vacation short to attend their church events and limit going back home so that you can attend all church activities. You should want to stay around and not move back to your home town after graduating because God (read church) should be your priority. Not your career, not your biological family, and not any of your previous relationships including your previous church if you had one.

If you really love God, you should want to live with your class sisters/brothers because Koinonia Cross.

Everything becomes black and white.

Everything becomes about whether you love God or not.

Everything becomes a choice between God and sin.

By creating a dichotomy where it does not need to exist and painting things in black and white, Gracepoint makes it seem like you have to do almost everything according to what the church or your leader says. And this is one way that they slowly control most things about your life including how much sleep you get and what you are doing on Wednesday night.

MOST of life is in the grey. Most things are not a choice between loving God and committing sin. You can move back home and still love God. You can choose to not attend the All Teams Retreat and still be a spiritual person. You can get the rest you need and not be a lazy selfish person, full of sin. You can decide who you want to marry or date and that person can be a non GP member and you can still be a God honoring Christian. You can decide to love God by becoming a teacher or a doctor. You can decide to serve God by going back home and serving your home church (or another church or no church). You can do all these things and Gracepoint should not meddle because then they are getting between you and God.

God honors our agency. Even God honors our agency and that's why it cannot be in God's will that a church be highly controlling like GP. God wants us to CHOOSE how we live and how we love. That's why God gave us free will. If not, God would have created robots. But robots is what GP seems to want because they want to take all the messiness out of life and create a church planting machine, obedient followers who can move across the country if their church wants them to.

There can be no love without choice. And high control groups take away that choice through hierarchy, pressure, and norm setting. In theory all adults choose to do all the things they do every day. But if you look at social psychology, our behaviors are heavily influenced by many factors. By manipulating these outside factors and making you believe that GP's way is God's Way, GP eventually dictates who you live with, who your friends are, who you marry, how you spend your time, how you spend your money, and even where you work. They will tell you what you should wear and what kind of car you should drive.

If MOST of your life is being decided by what someone else wants you to do, then you have effectively lost your agency. The test to knowing if you have lost your agency is to decide to do something different and seeing what consequences arise. My experience in this church tells me that the consequences will be swift and severe.

So what causes smart adults to stay at a highly controlling church like Gracepoint? It's because they do not think that they are being controlled. They think that they are choosing this kind of life for themselves because they want to please God and the church says this is God's will for them.

But this is not what most folks sign up for when they choose to be Christians or when they decide to join a church.

When I was a part of this church, I thought in this black and white way too. I thought God wanted me to be a part of this church and that if I chose differently, that I was somehow sinning. 

But that was not true. I had decided to be a Christian and to follow Jesus. I had decided to love God and God's people but I had not decided to do whatever the church told me to do via my assigned leaders. 

There is a difference. There is a big difference between God's plan for your life and what the church or your leaders want you to do. Gracepoint will tell you that god=church=family and that your leaders are the voice of God for you. But this is not biblical and it is not true. I can love God and God's church but I should still have agency and choice over my life. And just because I decided to attend one church during college doesn't mean I have to stay there my whole life. And it is not unchristian to change churches. And changing my mind about what church I want to attend doesn't mean I love God less than those who stick with Gracepoint. The power to choose is a God given ability. Gracepoint should not take it away in God's name. This is how evil gets perpetuated so easily in high control groups, by slowly taking away people's agency and convincing them that this is God's will.

GP may claim that they're not spiritually abusive but there is no way they can reasonably and rationally deny that they are a highly controlling group. GP tries to control almost every aspect of a person's life. And the more you conform, the higher your status in GP and the more praise and affirmation you'll get from your leaders.

Don't let others define what your life should be. Don't confuse God's will with your church's agenda. God said don't have idols. Church can easily become an idol for Christians. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Let's be free. Free to love and to live the life that God had in mind for us. A life of joy. Not one of obligation.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Many Faces of Berkland Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, BBC, etc

Just like Ed and Kelly have been planting churches, Becky has continued to plant many churches all over the USA and the World. Her home base is Antioch Baptist Church but there are many many other churches that she oversees. College students, please do your due diligence and research the church you are considering joining to avoid becoming part of a high control group that uses spiritual abuse to control their members. Here are the churches that most likely have all the same issues as Gracepoint. I recommend avoiding, unless you plan to give them your whole life. If you are aware of others, please comment and I'll add. In no particular order:

Antioch Baptist Church in Boston

  • Berkland #2
  • First church plant of Berkland Baptist Church at Berkeley (now called Gracepoint)

Frontier Baptist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska

Koinonia Community Baptist Church in Long Beach, California

New Covenant Baptist Church in Seattle, Washington with college ministries at
  • University of Washington (Koinonia Fellowship)
Compass Fellowship Church in New York with college ministries at
  • NYU (Koinonia)
  • Columbia
Philadelphia Mission Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Worthy Life Baptist Church in Washington DC with college ministries at
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Georgetown
  • University of Maryland, UMD

Ministries by former Berkland churches

Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK, a college campus ministry) at the following colleges

  • Boston College
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Cal Baptist University
  • Cal State Long Beach
  • Drexel
  • Georgetown
  • Harvard
  • MIT
  • Penn
  • UCLA
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • University of Maryland
  • Wellesley

JOYland or Joyland (Children's ministry)

Pilot Light Ministry - a prayer ministry?

Outside of the US

South Korea (Seoul and Goesan?)
Bangkok, Thailand
Republic of Georgia
Covenant of Grace Church in Tokyo, Japan

Bridgeway Church of Silicon Valley in Palo Alto, CA has roots with Rebekah Kim and Berkland but seems to not be affiliated.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Many Faces of Gracepoint

I have become aware that there are new groups popping up all over the place that are Gracepoint church ministries but with new names. Here are some of them. Please comment with others that you are aware of. These are in addition to the well know ones like ABSK, Koin, Koinonia, MakeNew, Klesis, A2F, Acts 2 Fellowship, Interhigh, ISM (international student ministry), Impact, AYM (Area Youth Ministry), etc. etc.

Lightkeepers at Boston

1eighty at Boston

316 Collective at Boston for Boston University students

Five+Two (this one is new to me)

Moment (college student ministry) at Stanford. Website

Please BE AWARE!

Don't get sucked into this high control group.

edited on 2/7/2023 to add Moment at Stanford

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Christianity Today article on Gracepoint is published

Thank you to Curtis Yee for his thorough investigation and work on this article.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Have a Gentle Holiday

A gentle reminder and repost from two years ago. I just re-read some of the comments on that post and sigh... it makes me sad.

I heard through the rumor mill that Gracepoint is allowing its members to spend more time with their families this year. (In previous years, they held their All Teams Retreat during the holidays.) Parents of students and young professionals are grateful that they don't have to argue with their kids about visiting for the holidays. I'm glad and I hope Gracepoint continues to loosen their iron tight grip on their members' lives.

Anyway, here is the post, slightly updated:

Dear Readers,

The holidays can be a time of even-more-than-usual grief and sadness for some of us. There are many unrecognized expectations from within and without that make it impossible for us to simply... be. Expectations can come in the following forms:
  • giving elaborate gifts
  • giving expensive gifts
  • sending out cards
  • preparing elaborate meals
  • hosting
  • being with family
  • not being with family
  • having meals with family
  • having a good time
  • enjoying everyone's company
  • being generous
  • being grateful
  • acting cheerful and excited (when you're not)
  • being nice to people, who are not nice to us
  • celebrating
Whatever we do or not do, I hope we can all be gentle with ourselves and start to shed some of these expectations that are more burdensome than life-giving. Perhaps we can use the holidays as an opportunity to finally start learning to say no. Start with something small like asking for that drink to be extra hot and sending it back when it's not. (But please say it nice.) Say no to making two stops all the way across town on the same day. Say no to chipping in on an expensive gift. It will all work out.

During my Berkland days, I felt pressure to keep my holiday time with my family short so that I could spend time with my "real" family. I would give free rides to folks from Berkeley to LA and pick them up and drop them off all over Los Angeles and Orange County. It didn't occur to me that I could say no. Or that doesn't work for me. Saying no was very dangerous in that culture as it could be easily labeled as selfish, ungrateful, unspiritual, unchristian, disobedient, lazy, etc...

Give yourself permission to rest this season. You have already done enough. You are fully accepted just as you are. Jesus never healed someone based on their qualifications. He healed everyone who asked. And even some who didn't want to get healed, he healed. And he didn't say, I'm such an amazing loving God, I healed you even when you didn't deserve it. No. He said, your faith has healed you. He gave the credit to those who were healed. God's presence is never contingent on our deservedness. You are already accepted. You are already home.

May you have a gentle holiday season.

Monday, December 6, 2021

UCSD Triton Article

The Triton (the student run newspaper at UCSD) has published an article about Gracepoint. Sadly, Jane Doe's story is too common. I bet the leaders are telling each other all kinds of gossip and slander about Jane Doe. Justifying their abuse and disgarding of Jane Doe in the name of "ministry." Washing their hands while insisting that it was not their intention to harm her. Gracepoint may shrug their hands and say "our church isn't for everyone" and "no church is perfect." This line of thinking may help you get the little bit of sleep you get at night. Yes, I'm talking to you Ed, Kelly, William, Esther, Daniel, Sarah, Manny, Sunny, Steve, Eunice, Jonathan, Susanna, Timothy, Alice, Steve, Suzanne, Tony, Michelle, Rick, Sue, Kevan, John, Ellen, and Joe. I'm sure that's what you tell yourself, "This is not my fault. This person had a mental illness and it's not the church's job blah blah blah." Ask yourself, is this how Jesus would treat this person? Did Jesus kick people out of his ministry when they were no longer useful to him? Stop disgarding people just because they are an inconvenience to you or when you can no longer use them for free labor. God goes after the one lost sheep, leaving the 99 who are safe in the flock. Isn't this what you preach from the pulpit?

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

New (to me) Yelp Review

There is a new Yelp review that I want to highlight as it has SO MANY examples of what is wrong with Gracepoint and their affiliated ministries. Thank you K W for your post.

Gracepoint has created another listing on yelp that it "claims" under "Gracepoint Church." The former "Gracepoint Berkeley" is no longer claimed, perhaps due to all the bad reviews?

How have people been rebuked or publically humiliated at gracepoint? Let me count the ways

Sleeping too much- we were driving to Yosemite after finals week and I was exhausted but not like I could say no to these trips. Fell asleep in the car and got rebuked for not being alert enough and something about putting aside my fleshly body.

Being too tired - also not smiling enough. Got pulled aside by older guys and my leader for not having a better attitude and disposition at church. In hindsight this all probably was partly cause I wasn't sleeping enough.

Talking to girls- I was talking to someone of the opposite gender from church (whom I had no interest in). Got a drilled by a bunch of older guys - not leaders or the pastor, just guys in the class above me, about why I was talking to her and if I liked her or not.

Not sharing who I liked- a bunch of mostly the same guys in the class above me randomly asked me to tell them who I liked at church. Ostensibly to keep me on the right track, I guess.

Studying with girls- I invited a group of people (male and female) from my chem class over to study in our apartment the night before a major exam. Got pulled aside again and was told we don't allow the opposite gender into the brothers' apartment for fear of going astray.

Studying at the wrong times- i had a major exam the next day and stayed out till like 1 am. Walk in the door and my roommate asks me point blank, "what are you doing out so late? That's really suspicious."
The next time I got home too late from the library I actually sat in my car terrified, pondering if I should just sleep there overnight.

Walking into the room at the wrong time- I came in to help with something and the joyland kids were watching star wars episode 2 when analkin was saying some corny line to padme. In front of everyone, my leader just said to me, don't worry, you'll get a chance someday.

Not going up during public dedication time- I was walking out after a Sunday Sermon and got pulled aside by my leader. Apparently the message was really relevant to me and I should've gone up.

Going up during public dedication time- feeling pressure to go up during public dedication time once in a while, I got pulled aside by a different leader to ask why I went up. I guess my answers weren't good enough, he gave me a lecture about being more specific in my reasons and dedications.

Not taking down sound equipment fast enough- some class brothers and I got recruited to put up sound equipment before bible study. None of us were asked, we were just doing this now, I guess. After bible study we all went to mingle and eat the provided snacks like we always did. Later I was sitting in the car with my leader and he just went off on me, like full blown screaming at the top of his lungs, for not taking down the sound equipment right after bible study. I really thought he was going to hit me.

Not volunteering for enough activities- our whole class got an hour long earful from one of the leaders for not signing up enough for tabling and handing out flyers.

????- Kelly smn spent like over an hour reaming the entire congregation over the spiritual wellbeing of our church. And stuff. One guy in the front row was crossing his legs and chewing gum and she just gave it to him in front of the whole church. Yes, this really happened.

Sharing sensitive information on reflection sheets- my leader shared something embarrassing I wrote on my reflection sheet during a group meeting. An older leader had to cut him off. Just be careful what you write, these things aren't confidential.

Not sharing enough on my reflection sheets- I think if you read this far you know what's coming. That same leader gave me grief for not sharing "specifically" or thoughtfully enough on my reflection sheets. Knowing what I know now, if I could go back I would copy and paste movie plots from wikipedia onto my reflection sheet.

Not volunteering for skits and a song at someone's wedding - wouldn't you want others to do this for you at your wedding? No, I said, in my head to myself while no one was around. I really wish I had more of a spine back then. I swear these people don't know what the word volunteer means.

Look, just avoid all the mistakes I made above and I'm sure you'll avoid the humiliations and rebukings. Unless I'm missing something here.

I know a lot of what I shared centers around how to relate to the other gender, but it's a major sticking point for them. When I finally got the nerve during graduate school in my mid 20s to ask my leader about dating, they just said I wasn't spiritually ready. I defy anyone in this church To explain what that term means. Pastor Ed telling the congregation that if they like someone, to just call them up and ask them out, feels a lot like Pilate washing his hands in a bowl of water and walking away.


Below is the link to the original review. Read J W.'s review of Gracepoint Church on Yelp Check out the other reviews too. There's one with pictures of cars in the parking lot in Alameda during the quarantine!