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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Many Faces of Gracepoint

I have become aware that there are new groups popping up all over the place that are Gracepoint church ministries but with new names. Here are some of them. Please comment with others that you are aware of. These are in addition to the well know ones like ABSK, Koin, Koinonia, MakeNew, Klesis, A2F, Acts 2 Fellowship, Interhigh, ISM (international student ministry), Impact, AYM (Area Youth Ministry), etc. etc.

Lightkeepers at Boston

1eighty at Boston

316 Collective at Boston for Boston University students

Five+Two (this one is new to me)

Moment (college student ministry) at Stanford. Website momentfellowship.org

Please BE AWARE!

Don't get sucked into this high control group.

edited on 2/7/2023 to add Moment at Stanford